Thursday, November 17, 2011

Priprava na zimu

Poslední dny se řádně ochladilo, a tak jsme museli vytáhnout zimní oblečení. Našli se i brusle a tak jsem je neváhali hned vyzkoušet. V neděli jsme vyrazili směrem k Tarvisiu, abychom si konečně prohlédli "poklad" Julských Alp, Laghi Fusine

zima byla až to praštělo, ale jezera nám samozřejmě možnost bruslení nenabídli, a tak jsme se museli vydat na hokejový stadion v Pontebbe.

Tadeáš v "plné" výstroji

místnímu hokejovému klubu vyrůstá nový talent :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Slovenian spas #2

Last week end of October, we returned to Slovenia, to remember our last year honeymoon celebration. We remembered our pleasant stay in Slovenian spas and were looking forward for relaxing and entertainment. This time we arrived to terme Catez, with its biggest fun water park in Slovenia.

Tadeas was practising his skills in (table) tenis to not miss his lessons
boys together in morning exercise
Visiting castle of Mokrice nearby

who is this "strange" men?
"royal foto" :)
"mirror, mirror, tell me who.."
what's today on royal menu?
tasting of the fake grapes
the castle garden was rebuilt for gentlmenlike purposes, and is serving for golf players
Dominik is looking for the lost ball
running for the dinner

playing in kids corner

after "hard day" the warm bath is appreciated
ready to sleep, good night guys